The US is poised to 'deregulate' GMO corn, soybean and cotton varieties resistant to the herbicides 2,4-D and dicamba. The result will be a big increase in the use of those herbicides, as high as 600%. Only a huge public outcry can now stop the GMO-herbicide juggernaut.


The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued its final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and proposed approval for new GMO corn and soybean varieties genetically engineered to be resistant to the toxic herbicide 2,4-D.

The approval comes despite USDA's acknowledgment that Dow's crops will trigger a three- to seven-fold increase in agricultural use of 2,4-D, foster 2,4-D resistance in weeds, and inhibit farmers' use of non-chemical weed control methods.

Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director of Center for Food Safety (CFS), described the announcement as "an outrageous abdication of USDA's responsibility to protect our health and our food supply."

"The Obama Administration has ignored the interests and demands of millions of Americans, Members of Congress, and scientists, farmers and health professionals."

A 30-day public comment period is now under way before USDA is expected to grant final approval of the controversial new crops. USDA also released a draft Environmental Impact Statement and proposed approval for soybean and cotton varieties resistant to Monsanto's dicamba, with a 45-day comment period.

Herbicide image via Shutterstock.

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