There is no doubt that the EV industry is here to stay, too much money has been invested and too many people have transferred over from old-style technology. However, while EV technology itself continues to develop, efficiencies are improved and prices continue to fall, there have been ongoing concerns about recharging systems of the future. However, a company by the name of Ubitricity in Germany may well have come up with a solution which could be the answer to all our prayers!

Ubitricity has created a system of electric vehicle charging stations which are based on lighting poles which are present in every village, town and city in the world. So how does this system work and could it really be a game changer for the electric vehicle market?

The company has partnered with German energy provider Grundgrun to fit an initial 100 city light poles with the new recharging system. The smart cable and Ubitricity meter simply slot into the light fitting with the other end of the smart cable plugged into the electric vehicle in question. It is then simply a case of flicking the switch, using the power supply which goes to the lighting pole and hey presto, your electric vehicle will be recharged.

Quote from "Are we on the verge of significant savings for electric vehicles?"

Even though there will be an initial charge for the Ubitricity meter, when you bear in mind the availability of these potential new recharging stations and the relatively small cost to convert, this will be minimal in the scheme of things. In many ways this solution seems too simple, too straightforward and perhaps more importantly, too cost-effective. However, sometimes it is the simple things in life which make such a difference!

Light poles along sidewalk image via Shutterstock.

Read more at ENN Affiliate Electric Forum.