The International Energy Agency (IEA) is targeting 100 million electric cars on the roads by 2030 in order to avoid potentially damaging global warming. When you bear in mind that just 1.26 million electric cars were sold worldwide in 2015 is this out of the question or a possibility?

Demand for electric vehicles increasing

It is very easy to underestimate demand for electric vehicles especially when you bear in mind there were just a few hundred on the roads back in 2008. The number sold in 2015 is more than three times the amount sold in 2013 which bodes well for the future. There are in excess of 1 billion vehicles on the road today and increasing the number of electric vehicles to around 10% will be challenging.

If the number of electric vehicles on the road was to triple every two years, then the target of 100 million vehicles by 2030 would be well within reach. However, while the number of electric vehicles available to general public will increase dramatically in the short, medium and longer term it is nigh on impossible to maintain the recent rate of sales growth.

Image credit: Alexander Nie via Wikimedia Commons

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