Days into the 2017 pollution limits on the Brixton Road in Lambeth, South London, has already breached EU pollution limits for NO2 for the entire year. Meanwhile UK sales of diesel cars - one of the main causes of NO2 pollution - reached record levels in 2016, reflecting the government's failure to tackle the problem in spite of numerous court orders.

One the 6th day the 2017 parts of London have already breached their pollution limits for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) for the entire year.

Yesterday pollution monitors on the busy Brixton Road, Lambeth, registered NO2 levels above 200 micrograms of NO2per cubic metre from 7am through until 1am this morning, a total of 18 hours - reaching the EU time limit for the entire year.

Later this morning, between 5am and 7am, another two hours of readings above 200 ug/m3 of NO2 were recorded - pushing the site well above the EU limit.

Read more at The Ecologist

Photo credit: Londonplanters via Wikimedia Commons