This week the UK Government published its long awaited industrial strategy, marking a distinctive break from the previous Conservative regime. Gone is David Cameron's more laissez faire attitude to managing the economy.  In its place is a more proactive approach, which seeks to stimulate industry with targeted investment.  Taking advantage of the greater flexibility afforded by freedom from the EU's state aid rules the plan sees some exciting developments in the decarbonisation of the UK economy.

Among the ideas proposed are to make the UK a world leader in some of the low carbon technologies it already has an advantage in, namely electric vehicles, wind power and nuclear.  The consultation, known as a green paper, proposes a roll out of electric vehicle charging points. The much-heralded announcement by Nissan last October to invest in its Sunderland plant - one they will now review depending on how Brexit goes - was understood to be helped by assurances from government of its commitment to making Britain a hub for electric car making.  

The Sunderland factory will produce batteries for electric vehicles, an area of focus in the new strategy. Ministers have also asked the country's Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport, to review the case for a new research institution to work on battery technology, energy storage and smart grids. Battery storage has been seen by many as the killer app that could transform the potential for renewables, allowing their intermittent energy to be stored and accessed on demand. The wide-ranging strategy also sets out plans for upgrades to digital, transport, energy and flood defence infrastructures.

Continue reading at ENN affiliate, Ecologist.

Photo Credit: Ecologist.