On Tuesday, L’Oreal achieved silver certification from the nonprofit Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute for its Biolage R.A.W. (Real – Authentic – Wholesome) haircare line, the company announced at the Sustainable Brands conference in Detroit.

L’Oreal says its R.A.W. shampoo and conditioner are made with “the highest levels of biodegradability.” The shampoo is 99 percent biodegradable, the company said in a news release.

I always tread carefully when I read percentage-based health claims, as I worry about what sort of toxic heebie jeebies lurk in the remaining ingredients. Jay Bolus, president of certification services for MBDC, the company behind the Cradle-to-Cradle design framework, explains:

“Just because something is water-based or water-soluble does not necessarily mean it will biodegrade. But even if it does, the question is: What does it degrade into? Are the degragants more toxic than the parent compound?

Read more at Triple Pundit

Image: Courtesy of L’Oreal (press use only)