The vision of crop improvement in the face of climate change is outlined in research by the John Innes Centre which establishes a genetic link between increased temperature and the problem of “pod shatter” (premature seed dispersal) in oilseed rape.

Research by the team led by Dr Vinod Kumar and Professor Lars Østergaard, reveals that pod shatter is enhanced at higher temperature across diverse species in the Brassicaceae family which also includes cauliflower, broccoli and kale.


This new understanding brings a step closer the prospect of creating crops that are better adapted to warmer temperatures a step closer. 

Read more at John Innes Centre



Image: Pod shatter is a major issue for farmers of oilseed rape worldwide who lose between 15-20 percent of yield on average per year due to prematurely dispersed seeds lost in the field. (Credit: John Innes Centre)