Climate change is a one of the biggest challenges facing humanity. The Paris Agreement, adopted in December 2015, became the second legally binding climate agreement after the Kyoto Protocol, and coordinates global efforts to combat climate change.

As a party to the Paris Agreement and the largest developing country, China has adjusted economic development models and promoted technological progress in energy conservation.

However, with rapid economic development, it is difficult to achieve deeper cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. China is facing growing pressure to achieve its goals associated with the Paris Agreement.

Carbon sequestration by terrestrial ecosystems is one of the most economically and environmentally friendly ways to mitigate atmospheric CO2 concentrations. How to improve carbon storage and carbon sequestration of terrestrial ecosystems is not only a cutting edge field within global change research, but also the key scientific foundation for the mitigation of climate change.

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Image: Chinese scientists reveal trends in carbon storage and sequestration across Chinese ecosystems. (Credit: FANG Jingyun)