Climate-wise, Mother Earth had three of a kind in hand last month: It was the fourth warmest May, the fourth warmest March–May period and the fourth warmest year to date on record for the globe.

The average global temperature in May 2018 was 1.44 degrees above the 20th-century average of 58.6 degrees F. This was the fourth highest for May in the 139-year record (1880–2018). Last month also was the 42nd consecutive May and the 401st consecutive month with above-average temperatures.

The average global temperature for March–May was 1.48 degrees above average of 56.7 degrees, making it the fourth warmest such period on record.

The year-to-date average global temperature was 1.39 degrees above average of 55.5 degrees F. This tied 2010 as the fourth warmest average temperature for the year to date.


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Image via NOAA.