A quarter of the seafood tested from Metro Vancouver grocery stores, restaurants and sushi bars is not what you think it is.

A new UBC study used DNA barcoding to determine that 70 of 281 seafood samples collected in Metro Vancouver between September 2017 and February 2018 were mislabelled.

Researchers from UBC’s Lu Food Safety & Health Engineering Lab conducted the study in partnership with independent charity Oceana Canada and the Hanner Lab at the University of Guelph.

“We aim to comprehensively understand the fraudulent labelling of fish products sold in Metro Vancouver, as the first step in studying the complicated seafood supply chain that serves the west coast of Canada,” said Xiaonan Lu, who leads the Lu lab. “Our study demonstrates the importance of improving both the regulation of seafood labelling, and the transparency of the fish supply chain.”


Continue reading at University of British Columbia.

Image via Piaxabay.