The Painted Lady, also known as the Vanessa cardui butterfly, performs a migratory cycle that can reach 12,000 km in multiple generations —  a cycle longer than that of the monarch — making it the longest migration known for any butterfly species and similar to that of many birds.

These new findings were made by Professor Clément Bataille, a geochemist at the University of Ottawa, along with Gerard Talavera, a colleague from Institut de Biologia Evolutiva. The study was published today in the Royal Society’s Biology Letters.

Read a quick Q&A with Professor Bataille.

Tell us about your findings.

We document for the first time that the Painted Lady flies longer than any other migratory butterfly. She travels from sub-Saharan Africa directly into Europe. Our study showed that the offspring of the butterflies that left Europe in autumn, return to Europe in spring from tropical Africa.


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Image via University of Ottawa.