Scientists of the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz IZW) in Berlin analysed the spatial behaviour of cheetahs. They showed that male cheetahs operate two space use tactics which are associated with different life-history stages. This long-term study on movement data of over 160 free-ranging cheetahs in Namibia has now been published in the scientific journal ECOSPHERE.

Cheetahs are the rarest of the larger cat species in Africa. The researchers demonstrated that cheetah males in Africa display two spatial tactics: floaters roam over vast areas whereas territory holders mark and defend small areas. Females use home ranges with sizes between those of territory holders and floaters. Cheetahs therefore require huge natural areas, with limited human interference. The recent findings on their spatial behaviour can help to develop improved conservation measures for these highly specialized cats.

Mammals have evolved numerous social systems. These range from a solitary life to highly complex social systems, where a group may contain many males and females. Cheetahs do not fit into any of the social systems described so far. Their social organisation has been a topic of controversy. A research group of the Leibniz-IZW has now succeeded in solving this riddle.

Male cheetahs live solitarily or in small groups of two or three males (coalitions), whereas females are usually solitary - unless they are accompanied by their cubs. In southern Africa, cheetahs often live outside protected areas and frequently come into conflict with cattle farmers. "These conflicts have led to cheetahs becoming shy creatures, thus it is nearly impossible to observe them directly. We therefore fitted the cheetahs with GPS collars for our study," explains Bettina Wachter, head of the project at the Leibniz-IZW.

Read more at Forschungsverbund Berlin

Image: These are two spatial tactics of male cheetahs. (Credit: Leibniz-IZW)