Mobile coupons not only drive customers to spend money during a promotion – they can encourage long-term purchase behavior as well.

New research from Binghamton University finds that mobile coupons can affect both short- and long-term sales goals, and that targeting customers with the right type of mobile coupon can boost revenue.

“Understanding the effect of promotions and coupons has long been of interest to marketing researchers and practitioners,” says Binghamton University School of Management Assistant Professor of Marketing Chang Hee Park. “These days, mobile couponing has emerged as one of the preferred mediums for promotions, but research into the impact of mobile coupons is limited.”

Instead of having to cut out coupons from the newspaper or a mailer, customers can now get mobile coupons sent directly to their phone via text messaging services. Working with data from a global beauty company that markets skincare and makeup products, Park and fellow researchers Young-Hoon Park of Cornell University and David Schweidel of Georgetown University looked at the short-term and long-term effectiveness of two different popular kinds of mobile coupons: price discount and free sample.

Read more at Binghamton University

Image: This is Binghamton University School of Management Assistant Professor of Marketing Chang Hee Park. (Credit: Binghamton University, State University at New York)