Pyrolysis – a process of biomass decomposition – can be organized automatically. That is, it is sufficient to heat biomass to a certain temperature and then the process proceeds in the autothermal mode due to its own heat release. This technology was studied by the scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University in the article published in Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (IF 2.209; Q2). The development of research in this domain will make energy generation out of biofuel more resource efficient and feasible.

The scientists presented the study results for such types of biomass as pine sawdust, chips from various types of wood, straw, two types of peat - from the Arkadievsky and Sukhovskoe deposits of the Tomsk Oblast. They are the most common types of biomass in the region and typical for Russia as a whole. In order to generate heat and energy valuable products, including tar, solid carbonaceous residue and combustible gas, TPU scientists subjected it to pyrolysis, the process of thermal decomposition of organic matter in an oxygen-free environment.

On the planet, there is a huge amount of organic matter which can be used as biofuel, i.e. products of the plant and animal worlds as well as the vital activity of human society. Such fuel is certainly much more environmental friendly compared to traditional fuels.

Read more at Tomsk Polytechnic University

Image: This is Arkadievsky peat at the Tomsk Oblast in Siberia Russia. (Credit: Tomsk Polytechnic University)