The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its final state implementation plan (SIP) Requirements Rule for implementing the 2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ground-level ozone. These requirements apply to states and tribes with nonattainment areas as well as the 13 northeastern states that currently comprise the Ozone Transport Region. This rule will assist our state and tribal partners in developing their implementation plans to meet the 2015 ozone standards, while providing the greatest flexibility possible.

“This final rule grants states the flexibilities they need to incorporate factors that are often outside their control, such as international air pollution, so they can meet the 2015 ozone standards and continue our nation’s tremendous clean air progress,” said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “By working with states to provide greater regulatory certainty, we are helping them improve air quality, protect public health, and enhance economic growth.”

Read more at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency