A scientific study published in the journal Global Change Biology suggests snoek (Thyrsites atun) can recolonize the marine area of the Beagle Channel and South-Western Atlantic waters, an area in the American continent where this species competed with the hake (Merluccius sp.) to hunt preys in warmer periods.

The conclusions open a new scene regarding the prediction of potential changes that can affect trophic networks in this marine region –where the hake is a key species for industrial fisheries- due the effect of the rise of ocean temperatures due global change.

The new study is part of the ongoing doctoral thesis by the researcher Maria Bas, member of the Austral Center for Scientific Research (CADIC-CONICET, Argentina) and the Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio) of the University of Barcelona, since it is co-supervised by the lecturer Lluís Cardona, from the Research Group on Large Marine Vertebrates of  the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences at the Faculty of Biology of the UB and IRBio, and by the expert Iván Briz (CADIC-CONICET, Argentina).

Read more at University of Barcelona

Photo Credit: María Bas and Lluís Cardona (UB-IRBio)