Say goodbye to the four food groups – meat and meat alternatives, dairy, vegetables and fruit, and grain products.

Information leaked early this year suggests that Health Canada will be overhauling Canada’s Food Guide and trading in the venerable food groupings in favour of a cornucopia of 28 different food products.

So what should you serve for dinner?

It turns out that question isn’t as easy to answer as you might think – even for experts. While some McMaster researchers see the new guidelines as a step in the right direction, others say some of its recommendations are questionable.

“I like the approach of general moderation, with a shift towards plant-based foods, replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat, and ensuring variety,” says Russell de Souza, an associate professor in the department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact. “The new approach supports that there are many ways to create a nutritious diet.”

Read more at McMaster University

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