At least 15% of the world’s inland surface water areas are covered by protected areas, according to a new study from the JRC.

This is close to the global target of 17% set out in Aichi Target 11 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

However, surface water protection is very unevenly distributed globally, still falling well below 17% in over half of the world’s countries.

Surface water protection is far below that target in 53% of countries. This represents 45% of the world’s land.

The lowest surface water protection (<10%) is found in most of Africa, parts of Asia, Canada and several other smaller countries.

The highest (>30%) is found in Europe, Southern Africa, Mongolia, Iran, Australia, New Zealand, Peru and other smaller countries.

Read more at European Commission Joint Research Centre