Kicking the habit works best in pairs. That’s the main message of a study presented today at EuroPrevent 2019, a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

“Quitting smoking can be a lonely endeavour,” said study author Magda Lampridou, of Imperial College London, UK. People feel left out when they skip the smoke break at work or avoid social occasions. On top of that, there are nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Partners can distract each other from the cravings by going for a walk or to the cinema and encouraging replacement activities like eating healthy food or meditating when alone. Active support works best, rather than nagging.”

Half of coronary patients smoke and 90% of people at high risk of cardiovascular disease are smokers. ESC cardiovascular prevention guidelines advise against tobacco in any form, and people who stop smoking generally halve their risk of cardiovascular disease.

“Smoking cessation interventions should incorporate couples where possible to achieve a smoke-free household,” said Ms Lampridou.

Read more at European Society of Cardiology

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