UBC researchers have determined the majority of men struggle when it comes to understanding the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.

Professors Joan Bottorff and John Oliffe are scientists with UBC’s Men's Health Research Program. Together, while studying men’s knowledge or literacy of prostate cancer, they realized many are in the dark when it comes to what they know about the disease. And, more importantly, what direction to take after diagnosis.

“In terms of health literacy, there is a long history of people saying men are not up to speed,” says Oliffe. “This includes their knowledge when it comes to understanding prescription drugs and dosages, whether they know the stages of a disease and how they apply the knowledge they have.”

Health literacy is the ability to access, understand and use health-related information to make informed decisions and manage personal health. However, when it comes to prostate cancer, the information is overwhelming for many men, adds research coordinator and study lead author Cherisse Seaton.

Read more at University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus

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