A new review of glacier research data paints a picture of a future planet with a lot less ice and a lot more water. Glaciers worldwide are projected to lose anywhere from 18% to 36% of their mass by 2100, resulting in almost 10 inches of sea level rise.

The review is the most comprehensive global comparison of glacier simulations ever compiled.

“The clear message is that there’s mass loss—substantial mass loss—all over the world,” said lead author Regine Hock, from the University Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute.

The anticipated loss of ice varies by region, but the pattern is evident.

Read more at University of Alaska Fairbanks

Image: The Kennicott Glacier flows out of the Wrangell Mountains in Alaska. A new review of glacier research found that glaciers worldwide will lose up to 36% of their mass by 2100, resulting in almost 10 inches of sea level rise. (Credit: Regina Hock)