Alyson Brown, a student at the Atlantic Veterinary College, will spend the summer working on a research project investigating the impact of accelerated climate change on Atlantic salmon aquaculture in Atlantic Canada.

The project, developed by Dr. Mark Fast, associate professor of fish health at AVC, and collaborators at Memorial University and the University of Waterloo, is part of the College’s veterinary student research awards (VetSRA) program, which is designed to give students a solid foundation in research.

“Accelerated climate change is predicted to result in rapidly changing water conditions, like increasing water temperatures and low oxygen levels,” says Fast. “In some areas, water temperatures are forecasted to increase by 2-4 degrees C over the next 20 to 30 years. These changes may push the Atlantic salmon outside its optimal physiological range during the summer, negatively impacting fish health and production—and ultimately the sustainability of the industry.”


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Image via University of Prince Edward Island.