Bring on the storm.

Since late April, researchers from the University of Northern British Columbia have collected specialized measurements and conducted research in the field in the Canadian Rockies along and near the B.C. and Alberta border to better understand the atmospheric conditions leading to storms and precipitation along the continental divide.

The Storms and Precipitation Across the Continental Divide Experiment (SPADE) is led by the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and funded by the Global Water Futures programme. It’s a unique collaborative research study that includes a UNBC contingent that is responsible for one of two major field sites in the Rockies just outside of Kootenay National Park, at the Nipika Mountain Resort on the western side of the divide.

The UNBC researchers are hydroclimatologist Dr. Stephen Déry, project manager Juris Almonte, and three graduate students.


Continue reading at University of Northern British Columbia.

Image via University of Northern British Columbia.