Memorial University is poised to make significant contributions to agriculture science and food security in Labrador and the province through the acquisition of an 85-acre farm in Labrador and the establishment of a centre to support northern agricultural research, education and food security.

The announcement was made June 25 by Dr. Ashlee Cunsolo, director of the Labrador Institute, on behalf of Memorial President Gary Kachanoski, at Expo Labrador in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

In 2016 Memorial University was approached by Frank and Joyce Pye of Grand River Farm with the vision of the university acquiring the farm lease to continue the Pyes’ legacy of supporting Northern food security and food production, and expanding it to include research, science and education.

The result is the acquisition of the farm and the creation of the Pye Centre for Northern Boreal Food Systems, said Dr. Kachanoski.


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Image via Memorial University of Newfoundland.