New funding from Natural Resources Canada will support application of Trent University research using mine tailings to capture CO2.

Trent University is leading research on methods for directly capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into mine tailings, which will help mining operations offset their greenhouse gas emissions.

Today, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) announced $2 million through its Clean Growth Program for an initiative that will apply research by Dr. Ian Power, Canada Research Chair in Environmental Geoscience and assistant professor in the Trent School of the Environment. Professor Power is investigating how waste from mining operations can be used to capture and store carbon dioxide.

“The support from NRCan’s Clean Growth Program will accelerate our research that has the potential to lead towards carbon-neutral mining in the future,” says Prof. Power. “Trent University will lead pilot projects that are designed to accelerate the natural weathering and mineralization of carbon dioxide by using innovative tailings management practices that can be incorporated into active and closed mines.”


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Image via Trent University.