Thunderstorms are common all over the world in summer. As well as spoiling afternoons in the park, lightning, rain and strong winds can damage power grids and cause electricity blackouts. It’s easy to tell when a storm is coming, but electricity companies want to be able to predict which ones have the potential to damage their infrastructure.

Machine learning – when computers find patterns in existing data which enable them to make predictions for new data – is ideal for predicting which storms might cause blackouts. Roope Tervo, a software architect at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and PhD researcher at Aalto university in Professor Alex Jung’s research group has developed a machine learning approach to predict the severity of storms.

The first step of teaching the computer how to categorise the storms was by providing them with data from power-outages. Three Finnish energy companies, Järvi-Suomen Energia, Loiste Sähkoverkko, and Imatra Seudun Sähkönsiirto, who have power grids through storm-prone central Finland, provided data about the amount of power disruptions to their network. Storms were sorted into 4 classes. A class 0 storm didn’t knock out electricity to any power transformers. A class 1 storm cut-off up to 10% of transformers, a class 2 up to 50%, and a class 3 storm cut power to over 50% of the transformers.

Read more at Aalto University

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