The diversity and ecology of African parasitoid wasps was studied for over a year during a project run by the Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku. Parasitoid wasps are one of the animal groups that are the most rich in species. However, the tropical species are still very poorly known. Understanding the diversity of parasitoid wasps inhabiting rainforests is important, because tropical biodiversity is dwindling at an accelerating rate.

The Earth's biodiversity is still poorly known. New animal and plant species are still being discovered, especially in the equatorial rainforests. Scientists at the Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku have studied parasitoid wasp diversity in different parts of the tropics for years.

– The parasitoid wasps are amazingly rich in species, and form a significant part of the insect diversity of tropical rainforests. Exploring their diversity and how they live is interesting in its own right, but also important if we’re to slow down the ongoing decline of biodiversity, says Doctoral Candidate Tapani Hopkins from the Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku, who led the project.

Read more at: University of Turku

Parasitoid wasps prefer the decaying wood of primary forest. The photo shows a male Epirhyssa ghesquierei rhyssine wasp and a decaying Uvariopsis congensis tree trunk. (Photo Credit: Tapani Hopkins)