Susan Trumbore of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry on the effect of the forest fires in the Amazon on the global climate.

This year, there are almost twice as many fires raging in the Amazon rainforest than there were last year. Many of them were presumably started by humans. The fires burn most easily in areas where the Amazon region is already damaged by extensive deforestation. An interview with Susan Trumbore, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, about the importance of the Amazon rainforest and the threats to this unique ecosystem.

Before Bolsonaro, there was a growing consensus that economic development in the region could be achieved through more intensive management of already deforested areas without further deforestation. It is sad to see that this consensus has been lost. Bolsonaro argues that developed countries have largely deforested their forests and claims the same right to economic growth for Brazil.

Read more at: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

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