The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s 2019 Outlook Report — the third in a series of comprehensive reports on Reef health and management over 10 years — downgraded the long-term outlook for the Reef’s ecosystem from “poor” in 2014 to “very poor” in 2019.

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority CEO Josh Thomas said this was a critical point in the Reef’s history and actions taken now would matter to the Reef’s future.

“The Great Barrier Reef is widely recognised as one of the best managed marine protected areas in the world and its World Heritage values remain whole and intact. However, it is challenged by multiple and broad-scale pressures,” he said.

“Anyone following the state of the Great Barrier Reef over the last 10 years is well aware of the pressures and challenges facing the ecosystem. This report brings together scientific information to provide a comprehensive overview of the Reef’s health. While the Reef is already experiencing the impacts of climate change, its future is one we can change — and are committed to changing. Local, national and global action on the greatest threats facing the Reef is needed now.

“Given the sheer size of the Reef, its health and condition varies across its many habitats. The Reef remains an extraordinary experience for visitors in the Region, with many areas still supporting beautiful corals and abundant marine life.”

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