Contributing author Associate Professor Taciano Milfont from Victoria University of Wellington’s Centre for Applied Cross-Cultural Research and School of Psychology, says the main goal of the study was to identify areas of compatibility and tension in how people view sustainability.

“In particular, we wanted to see if people’s views of environmental, social, and economic sustainability differ across cultures, in order to better inform public communication,” he says.

The study, led by Dr Paul Bain from the University of Bath, asked more than 2100 people from 12 developed and developing countries what they thought the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aimed to achieve.

The findings published today in Nature Sustainability show that people understand sustainability in four distinct ways, Dr Bain says. Most people saw environmental sustainability as being in tension with social sustainability, but not with economic sustainability.

“Our research shows that people believe addressing environmental sustainability means less attention to solving social issues like education and health, and also to things like reducing inequality, fostering peace, and improving infrastructure. While we expected people to think sustainability involved trade-offs, until now we didn’t know exactly what these trade-offs were.”

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