California-based Beyond Meat calls its Beyond Burger and other vegan ‘meat’ products the future of protein.

Recent research and development in food processing has helped make these meat substitutes more and more meat-like, just as consumer demand for plant-based protein is taking off.

We asked registered dietitian Gail Hammond of UBC’s faculty of land and food systems about the nutrition consumers are getting from the Beyond Burger and its competitors.

The Beyond Meat burger is a plant-based product that has been developed to look, taste, feel and cook like beef. The primary ingredients are a yellow pea protein base and canola and coconut oils. There are other ingredients as well, but those are the main ones. Its primary competitor is the Impossible Burger, which has a soy protein base, coconut and safflower oils, and uses leghemoglobin to impart a ‘meat’ taste.


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Image via University of British Columbia.