Although the mapping of aboveground biomass is now possible with satellite remote sensing, these maps still have to be calibrated and validated using on-site data gathered by researchers across the world. IIASA contributed to the establishment of a new global database to support Earth Observation and encourage investment in relevant field-based measurements and research.

Forest biomass is an essential indicator for monitoring the Earth’s ecosystems and climate. It also provides critical input to greenhouse gas accounting, estimation of carbon losses and forest degradation, assessment of renewable energy potential, and for developing climate change mitigation policies. Although satellite remote sensing technology now allows researchers to produce extensive maps of aboveground biomass, these maps still require reliable, up-to-date, on-site data for calibration and validation. Collecting data in the field by measuring trees and documenting species is however a very labor intensive, expensive, and time-consuming exercise and it would therefore make sense to bring together the many extant data sets to provide real added value for a number of applications. In terms of policy applications, doing so can also lead to improved biomass products and better monitoring of forest resources, which could in turn lead to more effective forest protection measures.

In a new paper published in the journal Scientific Data, 143 researchers involved in this type of data collection in the field, explored whether it was possible to build a network that openly shares their data on biomass for the benefit of different communities. They particularly wanted to see if they could bring together as much on-site data on biomass as possible to prepare for new satellite missions, such as the European Space Agency’s BIOMASS mission, with a view to improving the accuracy of current remote sensing based products, and developing new synergies between remote sensing and ground-based ecosystem research communities. Their efforts have resulted in the establishment of the Forest Observation System (FOS) – an international, collaborative initiative that aims to establish a global on-site forest aboveground biomass database to support Earth Observation and to encourage investment in relevant field-based measurements and research.

Read more at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

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