In Finland, people often believe the health risks related particularly to indoor air are greater and more serious than they are according to the research data. This emerged from the National indoor air survey (Kansallinen sisäilmakartoitus) conducted by THL, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. Finns’ knowledge and risk beliefs related to indoor air were surveyed for the first time.

Researching the subject is important, because differing beliefs on the role of indoor air in human health may cause confusion. Common understanding is also important for finding solutions to indoor air problems in buildings and treatment of people in health care.

According to research data, moisture damage and microbial damage occurs in almost all buildings at some point of their lifecycle. Only a small proportion of the damage is severe enough to increase the risk of developing asthma.

However, well over one half of the respondents of the survey considered the risk posed to human health by even minor moisture damage to be so severe that action to repair the damage should be taken immediately.

Continue reading at Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

Image via Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare