For the colorful, graceful sea fans swaying among the coral reefs in the waters around Puerto Rico, the metal copper is an emerging threat in an era of warming oceans.

In a Cornell-led study, published Oct. 19 in the journal Ecological Applications, scientists report evidence of metal pollution creating danger for the soft coral sea fans.

“We know warming oceans pose an existential threat to coral reefs around the world,” said Allison Tracy, Ph.D. ’19, who conducted this work with Drew Harvell, professor of marine biology. “Action to alleviate the impact of warming oceans is a priority, but understanding the role of pollutants in coral disease and mortality gives us more options for solutions.”

While plastics and microplastics are a well-known threat to the world’s oceans, the effect of metal contamination is poorly understood, according to the researchers. Increased copper pollution can be a result of agricultural runoff and marine paint leaching from boat hulls.

Read more at Cornell University

Image: Purple dots scar a sea fan, as a result of multifocal purple spots disease infecting the coral.