When a hot plume of rock rises through the Earth’s mantle to puncture the overlying crust, it can create not only a volcanic ocean island, but also a swell in the ocean floor hundreds to thousands of kilometers long. Over time the island is carried away by the underlying tectonic plate, and the plume pops out another island in its place. Over millions of years, this geological hotspot can produce a chain of trailing islands, on which life may flourish temporarily before the islands sink, one by one, back into the sea.

The Earth is pocked with dozens of hotspots, including those that produced the island chains of Hawaii and the Galapagos. While the process by which volcanic islands form is similar from chain to chain, the time that any island spends above sea level can vary widely, from a few million years in the case of the Galapagos to over 20 million for the Canary Islands. An island’s age can determine the life and landscapes that evolve there. And yet the mechanisms that set an island’s lifespan are largely unknown.

Now scientists at MIT have an idea about the processes that determine a volcanic island’s age. In a paper published today in Science Advances, they report an analysis of 14 major volcanic island chains around the world. They found that an island’s age is related to two main geological factors: the speed of the underlying plate and the size of the swell generated by the hotspot plume.

For instance, if an island lies on a fast-moving plate, it is likely to have a short lifespan, unless, as is the case with Hawaii, it was also created by a very large plume. The plume that gave rise to the Hawaiian islands is among the largest on Earth, and while the Pacific plate on which Hawaii sits is relatively speedy compared with other oceanic plates, it takes considerable time for the plate to slide over the plume’s expansive swell.

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Image via Massachusetts Institute of Technology