Consumers can take up aluminium compounds from various sources, such as food, cosmetic products like aluminium containing antiperspirants and toothpaste, food contact materials like uncoated aluminium menu or baking trays and drugs. For the first time, the BfR has now estimated the total aluminium intake for different age groups (infants, children and adolescents as well as adults) and carried out a risk assessment. In addition, the contributions of the various sources of total aluminium intake by the population were compared with one another. A high intake of aluminium compounds can cause, among other things, neurotoxic developmental disorders as well as damage the kidneys, liver and bones.

The BfR bases its assessment of the population’s aluminium intake from food on the latest consumption and concentration data. Consumption data are collected through consumer surveys and provide information on which foods and how much of them are eaten by different consumer groups. The concentration data used show the average aluminium concentrations in the different food categories. For non-food products, such as cosmetics or packaging, the exposure assessment is also based on data regarding aluminium contents in the products. Furthermore, typical application forms and quantities are taken into account.

For the risk assessment of aluminium intake, the BfR uses the tolerable weekly intake (TWI) derived from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) of 1 milligram aluminium per kilogram body weight.

The BfR’s assessment shows that aluminium intake from food is lower compared to previous studies. Food is still a relevant, but no longer the population’s main source of intake. If other relevant sources of aluminium intake are taken into account, such as aluminium containing cosmetic products and uncoated food contact materials, the total intake can exhaust or even exceed the TWI for all age groups.

Read more at BfR Federal Institute for Risk Assessment