Southeast Asia has experienced impacts of climate change in recent decades, including rising temperatures and increasing extreme events. Reliable climate change information in the future is important for assessing the impacts and implementing adaptation measures.

Due to the complex topography and numerous islands in the region, applying high-resolution regional climate models is significant. However, different factors, such as the dominance of the monsoon climate, a large proportion of the region being covered by ocean, etc., make it difficult to model and reproduce the present climate over the region.

"As a first step towards a more reliable climate change projection, we need to test and customize models," said Prof. GAO Xuejie, a scientist at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Prof. GAO and his PhD student, WANG Zhengqi, conducted experiments with the latest version of a regional climate model, RegCM4.7, with a focus on the above concerns. Firstly, they compared the simulations of the model using different convective parameterization schemes, namely, Tiedtke and Emanuel.

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