Professor Claire Mahaffey, Professor Jonathan Sharples, Dr Rachel Jeffreys and Dr Nova Mieszkowska from the University’s School of Environmental Sciences contributed to the MCCIP report which provides a comprehensive, updated review on the range and scale of physical, ecological and societal impacts of climate change on UK coasts and seas.

Launched today (15 January 2020), the report shows that climate impacts for UK coasts and seas are varied and far-reaching, from effects on sea temperatures, oxygen levels and ocean pH, through to shifting species distributions and impacts on habitats, as well as social and economic impacts including risks to cultural heritage sites, potential implications for human health, and likely increases in future coastal flooding.

This confirms findings reported at a global level by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in their Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate report last year, who reported climate change as having significant consequences on marine environments globally.

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