The finding is based in part on the results of a paper published this week in Nature, co-led by University of Wisconsin–Madison atmospheric scientist Feng He and Oregon State University’s Peter Clark, which looks back at the last two time periods in which the planet transitioned from a glacial state, when ice sheets covered large swaths of the globe, into an interglacial state, such as the one we are in now.

The goal of the study, He says, was to better understand what contributes to rising sea levels. This has challenged researchers because of the large amount of uncertainty involved in understanding the contributions made by the melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.

“Essentially, we just don’t know how fast they are going to melt, whether the marine-based Antarctic ice sheet will collapse, or how quickly it will happen – whether it’s 100 years or 1,000 years,” says He, associate scientist in the Center for Climatic Research at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. “By 2200, there is a possibility of 7.5-meter sea level rise when accounting for the instability of the western and eastern Antarctic Ice Sheet.”

Overall, the study found that warming below the surface of the planet’s oceans is a significant contributor to ice sheet melt, particularly in the Antarctic, where a large portion of the ice sheet exists under the water.

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