Many farmers make use of solar panels or windmills to generate energy. However, the local network is not always able to process this energy. Furthermore, while energy is most needed in the winter, it’s primarily produced in the summer months. Wageningen researchers are now studying ways for farmers to store energy in the form of hydrogen. Hydrogen gas may then be used by the farmer as a source of energy for their business, but also as a clean fuel for tractors and lorries. Do you consider hydrogen the energy solution of the future?

“Many people, including myself, believe that hydrogen will become an important fuel and that an increasing number of people will drive hydrogen-powered cars in the future. There is a global increase in interest for hydrogen from companies,” states Chris de Visser, Business unit manager Field Crops at Wageningen University & Research. “We cannot just continue burning petrol and diesel. These resources are getting depleted and emit a lot of CO2 when burned, which contributes to global warming. Vehicles powered by hydrogen emit only water.” Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

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Image via Wageningen University & Research