A research team led by Prof. HUANG Wenjiang and Dr. DONG Yingying from the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has tracked the migration path of the desert locust and analyzed possibility of the desert locust invasion to China.

The researchers used multi-source Earth Observation data, meteorological data, field data, as well as self-developed models and algorithms for desert locust monitoring and forecasting based on the Digital Earth Science Platform developed by AIR.

Based on the migration path of the desert locust from Year 2018 to 2020, they found that there is a lower probability of the desert locust in the Indo-Pakistan border invading China at present due to the influence of Northeast Monsoon and the barrier of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.

However, if the locust in Pakistan and India cannot be controlled effectively and when the Southwest Monsoon is extremely strong, it may has a higher probability for the locust moving from India to Myanmar via Bangladesh, and higher risk to invade China's Yunnan and Tibet from May to June 2020.

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