Researchers have developed a new, inexpensive technology that could save lives and money by routinely screening women for breast cancer without exposure to radiation.

The system, developed by researchers at the University of Waterloo, uses harmless microwaves and artificial intelligence (AI) software to detect even small, early-stage tumors within minutes. 

“Our top priorities were to make this detection-based modality fast and inexpensive,” said Omar Ramahi, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Waterloo. “We have incredibly encouraging results and we believe that is because of its simplicity.”

A prototype device - the culmination of 15 years of work on the use of microwaves for tumor detection, not imaging - cost less than $5,000 to build.

It consists of a small sensor in an adjustable box about 15 centimetres square that is situated under an opening in a padded examination table.

Read more at University of Waterloo

Image: Omar Ramahi with a prototype built in his lab for cheap, routine breast cancer screening.  CREDIT: University of Waterloo