Uncovering never-before-seen deep sea coral habitat, applying machine learning to severe weather warnings and fish survey data, and upgrading the U.S. global weather forecast model — these are just a few of NOAA’s scientific achievements in 2019. The newly-released NOAA Science Report highlights the ways these accomplishments — and many more — provide the foundation for vital services that Americans use every day.

The report, which is broken into four sections, celebrates NOAA’s vital ocean, weather, Great Lakes, and atmospheric research, and how it works to protect lives and property, support a vibrant economy, and strengthen national security.

NOAA invests in both internal research and development efforts, including NOAA laboratories and science centers, and external research, with funds going towards partners at universities, industry, and other research institutions. NOAA’s research and development addresses the needs of the community and advances fundamental scientific understanding. The report gives examples of how NOAA transitions experimental tools and technology into use by scientists, forecasters, resource managers, and more.

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