Some 500 million years ago – when our continents were connected in a single land mass and most life existed underwater – hornworts (Anthoceros) were one of the first groups of plants to colonize land. An international team led by University of Zurich (UZH) and the Boyce Thompson Institute has now sequenced three hornwort genomes, providing insights into the genetics underlying the unique biology of the group, an extant representative of the earliest land plants.

The research team began the project in 2011. “It took us three years to figure out how hornworts can be grown and pushed through its sexual life cycle under laboratory conditions, and another three years to properly assemble and annotate its genome,” says Péter Szövényi, researcher at UZH and last author of the paper.

Higher crop yields with less fertilizer

One of the researchers’ goals was to find genes that play a role in hornworts’ method of concentrating carbon dioxide inside chloroplasts, which boosts the plants’ ability to make sugar resulting in increased yield. Hornworts are unique among land plants in this capability, but some species of algae share the trait. The researchers thus compared the hornwort genomes with those of algae and found one gene, LCIB, that is shared by the two groups of plants but not with other land plants. “If this carbon-concentrating mechanism could be installed in crop plants, then they could grow larger with the same amount of fertilizer,” explains first author Fay-Wei Li, plant biologist at the Boyce Thompson Institute and Cornell University.

Read more at University Of Zurich

Image: Hornworts belong to the oldest still existing land plants. (Image: Michael Lüth)