PNNL has patented an accurate and portable way to detect miniscule amounts of an extremely persistent toxic chemical that accumulates in our bodies and our environment.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are hazardous, man-made chemicals used in products such as non-stick cookware, waterproof clothing, food packaging, and firefighting foam because they repel water and oils. They do not break down naturally and there is no known quick fix to destroy them. Multiple studies have linked PFAS—which stay in the environment a long time—to elevated cholesterol, obesity, weakened immune system, endocrine disruption, thyroid issues, and cancer.

The federal health advisory level for PFAS is 70 parts per trillion, roughly equal to a grain of salt in 1,000 gallons of water. Some U.S. states have even more stringent levels that are a fraction of that. The levels are so low, that water samples must be sent off to a laboratory for measurement using sensitive analytical methods. The difficulty of detecting and measuring PFAS presence quickly at the source makes remediation challenging.  

Read more at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

Image: An illustration of PNNL’s PFAS Sensor. Water samples flow in one end, through the maze and PFOS gets captured by a sponge-like material in the middle. The technology is available for licensing. Image Credit: Nathan Johnson, PNNL