In 2019, NOAA funded three projects to restore coastal habitat and enhance recreational fisheries engagement in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Alaska. The projects were funded through the National Fish Habitat Partnership. They demonstrate our commitment to engage anglers in habitat restoration efforts, and support access to sustainable saltwater recreational fishing opportunities. One year later, we’re checking in on how the projects are benefiting coastal habitats, communities, and economies.

Oyster Reef and Salt Marsh Restoration in South Carolina
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources set out to work with anglers to restore and monitor oyster reefs and plant adjacent saltmarsh. To date, the project team has:

  • Constructed three oyster reefs and planted salt marsh species at two sites.
  • Hosted events where more than 920 volunteers worked to sort and bag oyster shells and plant marsh seed.
  • Completed pre-restoration monitoring, and plans to continue monitoring efforts to inform adaptive management practices.

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Image via NOAA Fisheries