Texas’ future climate will feature drier summers and decreasing water supplies for much of the state for the remainder of the 21st century – likely resulting in the driest conditions the state has endured in the last 1,000 years, according to a team of researchers led by a Texas A&M University professor.

Using the most advanced climate models, the team projected drought conditions and relevant information for stakeholders like agricultural producers, large surface water suppliers, small groundwater water districts and regional water planning districts. The researchers found the message is clear: Texas is getting hotter and drier, and the time to take action is now.

Regents Professor John Nielsen-Gammon, director of the Texas Center for Climate Studies and the Texas State Climatologist, said data shows Texas was much wetter 10-15,000 years ago coming out of the last Ice Age. Since then, the state’s climate has mostly been similar to today’s, with the exception of some wetter and drier periods.

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