Amidst sunny days and climbing temperatures, COVID-19 remains a dominating presence in all of our lives. With the Fourth of July upon us and New York City fast approaching Phase 3 of reopening, now is a great time to learn more about what measures you can take to keep you and your family healthy this summer.

Angela Rasmussen, PhD, associate research scientist in the Center for Infection and Immunity, and Melissa Stockwell, MD, MPH, chief of the Division of Child and Adolescent Health and associate professor of pediatrics and population and family health, answered a few of the most pressing questions about staying safe this summer.

Is it safe to get out and enjoy summer? Can I attend an outdoor party or barbecue? What about swimming and visiting the beach?

“There is always risk, unless you're completely staying home all the time. But there are safer ways to enjoy some of these summer activities,” Rasmussen says. Up front, she recommends crossing crowded pool parties and packed beaches off your list.

Read more at Columbia University Irving Medical Center

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