Most polar bear populations will collapse by the end of the century if global warming continues at the current pace, a new University of Toronto Scarborough study has found.

The study is the first to offer timelines showing how Arctic sea ice loss will affect the ability of polar bears to reproduce and survive since they will have to endure longer periods without food.

“The challenge is that Arctic sea ice will keep disappearing as the world continues to warm,” says lead author Péter Molnár, an assistant professor in the department of biological sciences at U of T Scarborough.

“This means polar bears everywhere will face longer periods without food, and this will affect their ability to reproduce, survive and persist as healthy populations.”

Most of the polar bear diet consists of seals, which they can only catch on sea ice. But as the ice continues to melt the bears have less time to hunt, which means eating less, putting on less weight, and then fasting longer as a consequence.

Read more at University of Toronto

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