The latest report covering the climate of the UK – published today [Friday 31 July ]- reveals that the most recent decade (2010-2019) has been on average 0.9° C warmer across the UK than the period 1961-1990, with 2019 being 1.1° C above the 1961-1990 long-term average.

Although sitting outside the top ten warmest years in the series (all since 2002), 2019 was most remarkable for setting four UK high temperature records, including:

  • A new all-time record (38.7° C) 25 July, Cambridge University Botanic Gardens (Cambridgeshire)
  • A new winter record (21.2° C) 26 February, Kew Gardens (London); the first time 20 C has been reached in the UK in a winter month.
  • A new December record (18.7° C) 28 December, Achfary (Sutherland).
  • A new February minimum record (13.9° C) 23 February, Achnagart (Highland)

Continue reading at UK Met Office

Image via UK Met Office